With the continuous R&D breakthrough, CBCT has successfully made a change in the industry old saying that “ Imported grade are Always better than Local Grade”. Hereby, we would like to introduce a newly developed Corrosion Resistance grade NFS16. With the launching of this new NFS16 grade, CBCT has fulfilled the complete package and solution of the NF series to our customer which in the past HRA90.5 appear to be the bottle neck of the NF series.
This newly developed NFS16 is HRA92 in Hardness, Submicron grain size and specially design for stamping Copper Alloy and thin Stainless Steel with below 0.6mm thickness.
Due to the higher hardness of NFS16, the wear resistance has improved and as a result, the tool life increases. Regarding the toughness of the grade, specially formula was adapted to help the grade to achieve a high hardness as well as high toughness, this will highly improve the chipping situation of the tools.
The New NFS16 has competed the solution package to the industry regarding improving wear resistance as well as toughness.
The new NFS16 and other NF series grade are available in blanks and perform. We looking forwards to your new enquiries.
If you have any question, pls. feel free to contact us.